Hygienic Dry Cleaners
Owned and operated by the Golden Family
Since 1944
How did we make it this long?
It takes hard work and good business practices. Current owners Grady & Brenda Golden point with
Pride that their family has continued to work the "Plan" that Paul Golden laid out in 1944.
First of all, we give each of our customers the feeling we are personally interested in them. This begins with knowing our customers by name and discussing their problems with them or having a family member called to the counter. This way our customers are assured that we value their business and will treat their clothes carefully.
Secondly, the Goldens still do the cleaning and inspection themselves. Quality is not just given lip service here. We demand it of all our employees and they know it.
"We work," said Brenda describing the third major reason for success. The Goldens consider themselves part of the production team. We have proved to satisfaction that only hard work and high quality will keep customers coming to our store.
The Goldens point with pride to their "old hand" employees and list them as another major reason customers like Hygienic Cleaners' quality work. The employees have been on the job for more than 12 years on average, 3 with 30 years experience.
We will keep this simple formula. This has allowed us to serve your textile care needs for almost 76 years.